It started with a team whose experience spans decades. A team that shares a vision of doing things the right way for the sake of a brighter tomorrow. A team that’s ready to show the world there is a better way to make rebar.

Our mission is simple—protect tomorrow by doing things the right way. To do so, we’re building a technologically advanced mini mill powered by renewable energy to produce low—cost, energy—efficient, tomorrow—friendly rebar. When the sun is shining, we’ll produce rebar using 100% renewable energy through a direct connection to an adjacent, behind—the—meter solar installation. We’re proud to be the first steel producer in North America (and likely the world) to be able to do this. We’ve found a way to cut the cord to the electrical grid!

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Northeast Arkansas has been known historically for cotton farming glory. Today, northeast Arkansas is known as the “sweet spot” for American—made steel. We’re proud to call it our home.

We’re building the world’s most environmentally sustainable steel mill in Osceola, Arkansas. Our direct access to a Class One railroad, the mighty Mississippi river and an expansive highway system provides us with easy access to markets throughout the United States. Most other rebar producers are limited to one or two transportation modes. Our rail, river, and highway options are good for us and good for our customers.

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